To improve quality, access and appropriateness of care for people with musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions, the MSK Central Intake, Assessment and Management is available.
This model of care offers a centralized referral system for hip and knee arthroplasty and low back pain patients.
- Timely access to care
- Comprehensive assessments
- Individualized education and treatment advice
- Self-management support
- Reassessments as needed
Information for primary care physicians
The Musculoskeletal Central Intake and Assessment Centre (MSK CIAC) is the main point of contact for all primary hip and knee joint replacement surgery assessments and low back pain referrals in the Central region.
Hip and Knee Assessments
These assessments take place at:
- Humber River Regional Hospital
- Markham Stouffville Hospital
- North York General Hospital
- Mackenzie Health
- Southlake Regional Health Centre
You will be booked for an assessment at a preferred location, the location closest to your home, or you may choose the first available assessment at any of the locations within the region.
1. Rapid Access Clinics (RAC) for hip and knee
All Primary Care Physicians are required to fax referrals for primary hip and knee joint arthroplasty to a centralized fax number: 855-346-9138.
Read the Hip & Knee RAC – Fact Sheet
Complete a referral form for Orthopaedic Consultation – Hip & Knee Arthritis Management
Phone 905-472-7019 or email for more information
The following diagram illustrates the pathway for patients referred to a RAC-Hip & Knee:

2. Rapid Access Clinics for low back pain (RAC-LBP)
To refer patients to RAC-LBP, you must be a Primary Care Provider (Family Medicine Physician, Sports Medicine Physician or Nurse Practitioner in a family practice).
Before completing your first referral, please complete the RAC-LABP Registration and Onboarding Module. This 10-minute module outlines referral criteria, an overview of the RAC-LBP Model of Care, and the important role that primary care plays in managing LBP patients.
You will be assessed by an Advanced Practice Provider (APP) who is a regulated health care professional, such as a physiotherapist or chiropractor, with specialized training in low back care. Assessments will be scheduled with an APP with a practice location nearest to your home.
- Complete the RAC-LBP Registration and Onboarding Training Module (10 minutes)
- Read the Low Back Pain RAC – Fact Sheet
- Complete a Referral Form for RAC-LBP
- Phone 905-472-7019 or email for more information
The following diagram illustrates the pathway for patients referred to a RAC-LBP: