The surgical program at Oak Valley Health provides a surgical liaison nurse (SLN) for you and your family Monday – Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Our SLN will greet you and your family and escort you to the Surgical Assessment and Discharge Unit (SADU). The SLN will provide valuable information about the program and what to expect during your stay with us. You will have the opportunity to ask questions face-to-face.
When you enter the operating room, the SLN will escort your family to the appropriate waiting area and provide contact information for communication and any questions that arise during your surgery. The SLN will follow you on your surgical journey through the operating room, Postanaesthetic Care Unit, and surgical discharge area. The SLN will provide ongoing updates to your family while you are in surgery and be part of the communication loop during your stay.
This role provides you and your family the opportunity to become a part of the health care team and work in partnership with your health care providers. The SLN will reunite you and your family members after surgery once appropriate to do so and ensure expectations are shared.
The SLN will continue to care for you and your family after discharge by providing follow-up telephone calls the day after surgery, answering any questions, and continuing the relationship and partnership created the previous day.