Public transit options:

  • Markham Stouffville Hospital: There are a number of York Region Transit/VIVA stops. VIVA’s trip planner can provide you with the most up-to-date schedules and directions. Depending on your starting location, other options include GO Transit and the TTC.
  • Uxbridge Hospital: For public transit options, please refer to this trip planner.

Whether you are coming to Markham Stouffville Hospital or Uxbridge Hospital as a patient or visitor, we want to make your experience as comfortable as possible. We have a lot of great information to help you prepare for a trip to one of our hospitals, including how to make an appointment, getting admitted, location and directions (see below), parking details, visiting a patient, and much more.

Finding your way around Markham Stouffville Hospital

Click the links below if you need help finding your way around.

Scent- and latex-free environment

Please do not use any perfumes or scents before you come. Our hospitals are scent-free environments.

Latex can cause a severe allergic reaction. Please do not bring latex balloons to our hospitals. Mylar balloons are acceptable.