Public transit options:

  • Markham Stouffville Hospital: There are a number of York Region Transit/VIVA stops. VIVA’s trip planner can provide you with the most up-to-date schedules and directions. Depending on your starting location, other options include GO Transit and the TTC.
  • Uxbridge Hospital: For public transit options, please refer to this trip planner.

Whether you are coming to Markham Stouffville Hospital or Uxbridge Hospital as a patient or visitor, we want to make your experience as comfortable as possible. We have a lot of great information to help you prepare for a trip to one of our hospitals, including how to make an appointment, getting admitted, location and directions (see below), parking details, visiting a patient, and much more.

Finding your way around

Use the links below if you need help finding your way around.

No excuse for abuse

Our hospitals are safe spaces where everyone is welcome, and exceptional care is our top priority. We are committed to both patient and staff safety, preventing violence and harassment, and ensuring everyone feels respected, secure, and valued.

Scent- and latex-free environment

Please do not use any perfumes or scents before you come. Our hospitals are scent-free environments.

Latex can cause a severe allergic reaction. Please do not bring latex balloons to our hospitals. Mylar balloons are acceptable.