When making your appointment at Oak Valley Health, we will tell you where at the hospital you should go when it is time to be admitted. Once you are admitted, we will do everything we can to make your stay with us as comfortable as possible.

Before you come to the hospital to be admitted, we suggest that you pre-arrange your transportation for your return home and make other preparations as needed.

When coming to either our Markham Stouffville Hospital or Uxbridge Hospital, always bring:

  • Your Ontario Health Card
  • Personal items (brush, toothbrush and toothpaste, shaving supplies, lotion, shampoo, pajamas, robe, underwear, and sanitary care products if needed)
  • Comfortable clothing, slippers, and/or shoes
  • Proof of additional health insurance coverage for preferred hospital accommodations, if you have this
  • Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) claim number, if you have one
  • Cheque or credit card to pay for additional expenses
  • Calling card for long distance calls

Note: Any electrical products or appliances you are bringing must be approved by our facilities staff before being used. Anyone on the unit where you are to be admitted can arrange this. You may prefer to bring battery-operated appliances.

Please keep cell phones on silent/vibrate while visiting. Cell phone reception may be limited in some areas.

We have developed patient and family guides with lots of useful information about your health care team, your room, hospital amenities, and much more.

Wi-Fi at our hospitals

Our hospitals are proud to offer free Wi-Fi to all patients and their families. At Markham Stouffville Hospital, please use the MSH-Patient-and-Visitor-WIFI network to get online. At Uxbridge Hospital, please use the UXB-Patient-and-Visitor-WIFI network to get online. If you experience difficulties with accessing the network, we ask that you let a staff member know. Please note: our staff do not support issues with personal devices.

Television services at our hospitals

Entertainment and TV rental services are available right at the bedside, provided by HealthHub Patient Engagement Solutions. Patients or their loved ones can either complete the rental process anytime on the bedside terminal or by visiting www.ConnectMyBed.ca. ConnectMyBed is available 24/7 to also help answer questions related to local channel guides and request customer service assistance.

To respect the needs of all other patients and/or visitors in the shared patient rooms, we request that you use earbuds for TV sound. Earbuds are available for purchase at the gift shop for a nominal fee or you may use your personal earbuds.

  • Gift shop hours at Markham Stouffville Hospital are Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 8 p.m., and Saturday – Sunday, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
  • Gift shop hours at Uxbridge Hospital are Monday – Saturday, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.