To find out about parking locations and rates at Markham Stouffville Hospital, read below or click this link to view a video. Scroll down to find out about parking at Uxbridge Hospital.
H pass
Markham Stouffville Hospital uses the H Pass, which makes parking at the hospital easier for our patients and their families. Benefits of the H Pass include:
It is transferable between patients and caregivers.
It is equipped with in-and-out privileges throughout a 24-hour period.
It is good for one year from the date of purchase.
The parking rates are as follows:
Parking option
Parking rate
Minimum 30 minutes (up to daily maximum)
Daily maximum (24 hours from time of entry)
Lost ticket
5-day H Pass
10-day H Pass
30-day H Pass
50 in/out pass
Patients and visitors will be able to purchase the H Pass from the parking office located in Visitor Lot #1 or another designated office.
About Parking
Hospitals are mandated to use parking fees as a revenue source to supplement government funding. Parking revenues help us provide the community with programs and services. In 2016, the government passed mandatory regulation to ensure hospital parking is more affordable for patients and visitors. Markham Stouffville Hospital has implemented those policies. Revenue generated from parking is used to supplement government funding for vital programs and services at the hospital.
Full support is available Monday – Friday from 7 a.m. – 9:30 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 9:30 a.m. – 7 p.m. at the parking office located in the visitors’ lot.
Outside these hours, assistance is available to you by pressing the intercom button.
Visitors’ parking lot 1 – Main entrance / link lobby
Parking lot 1 is located on Church Street between Ninth Line and Bur Oak. This lot can be accessed by the entrance off of Butternut Lane. This is the suggested parking lot for daytime registration, clinic appointments, and C. Donald Brodie Medical Centre (Brodie Medical Centre formerly the Medical Office Building) appointments.
Visitors’ parking lot 3 – Health services building
Parking lot 3 is located and accessed from the north side of Church Street between Ninth Line and Bur Oak. This is the suggested parking lot for health services building (HSB) appointments.
Visitors’ parking lot 6 – Emergency – 24-hour access to Markham Stouffville Hospital
Parking lot 6 is located east of Ninth Line and north of Hwy 7. Access is from Ninth Line or Bur Oak. This is the suggested parking lot for patients or visitors to the Emergency Department, maternity, and all after-hours access to the building, including MRI.
Brodie Medical Centre
Pay and display parking is required in front of the Brodie Medical Centre for all vehicles including those in accessible spots. Alternatively, you may park in visitor’s parking lot 1.
Health services building
Pay and display parking is offered west of the health services building. All vehicles, including those in accessible spots, must display a valid paid timed ticket. Alternatively, you may park in visitor’s parking lot 3.
Parking for persons with disabilities
The hospital has numerous spots designated for accessibility parking located within close proximity to the hospital entrances. There are also ramps into all parking kiosks.
Locations and details for pay and display
These are located outside the main entrance, north of main entrance between Markham Stouffville Hospital and the Brodie Medical Centre (south of main entrance). Debit or credit car payment is accepted at the parking office during regular operating hours.
Payment stations – pay and display
These are located in areas where pay and display is required. Coins or credit cards are accepted. Select and pay for the amount of time you want. Take and display the printed ticket on the dash of your car. It must be visible with the date and time.
At the link lobby main entrance
Outside in visitor’s parking lot 1: west gate location and east gate location (beside the parking office)
Inside the Brodie Medical Centre (2nd floor, west of main entrance)
Inside the health service building (1st floor, north entrance to Church St.)
Patients and visitors have options available when paying for parking. Pay stations accept credit cards and cash. Exit gates accept only credit cards. The parking office accepts debit or credit cards. Areas with pay and display offer payment by coins or credit card only.
Option 1: Regular payment (paying at a pay station)
Obtain a ticket upon entry and keep it with you during your visit.
Prior to returning to your vehicle, make your payment at one of our conveniently located payment stations. Our machines accept bills, coins, and credit cards.
Insert your ticket into the payment station.
Obtain your activated paid exit ticket and receipt.
Insert your activated paid ticket into the gate machine when you leave to exit the lot.
Press the help button for any assistance required. Alternatively, you can visit our parking office during operating hours for payment with debit or credit cards.
Option 2: Regular payment (credit card at the gate, no upgrade options)
Obtain a ticket upon entry.
When exiting, insert ticket into exit gate. The cost of parking will be displayed.
Use a credit card by inserting it into the same slot, or if you have a chip, tap it on the credit card reader.
Obtain your credit card and receipt.
Option 3: Express payment (credit card only, no parking ticket)
Tap your chipped credit card at the point of entry; when accepted, the gate will open.
Upon exit, use the same credit card (tap or insert) at the exit gate machine. A receipt will be printed at this time and the gate will rise to allow you to exit.
Gated lots
Cash or credit is accepted in the following locations:
Outside visitor lot #6 and staff lot #7 (east exit)
Inside the Emergency entrance / exit
Inside the link lobby entrance / exit
Outside visitor lot 1 (east and west gate locations)
Inside the Brodie Medical Centre (2nd floor, west main entrance)
Inside the health services building (1st floor, north entrance to Church St.)
Debit or credit card payment is accepted at:
Parking office during operation hours
Pay and display
Located in the areas where pay and display is required:
Brodie Medical Centre
Outside main entrance
North of main entrance
Between Markham Stouffville Hospital and Brodie Medical Centre (south of main entrance)
Health services building
Outside the back door (east of building)
Outside the Emergency entrance
Short-term Emergency patients’ parking
Uxbridge Hospital
There is parking available at Uxbridge Hospital for patients and visitors, but please leave plenty of time when coming to the hospital.
To access the new patients and visitors parking lot, enter Campbell Drive and drive west, then turn into the third entrance on the right and enter the parking lot on the left.
Patients may be dropped off at either the Emergency Department or main entrance prior to vehicles being parked in the new lot.
To find out about parking rates at Uxbridge Hospital, read below. To learn how to use our parking machines, click this link and view a video.