Release of information applications will only be accepted via phone or fax. Once a request has been received, the Health Information Office will validate your identity by asking you to provide your health card number and asking a series of security questions. Once your identity has been officially validated we will process the application.
Payment will be processed over the phone and records will be sent by mail or fax.
Phone: 905-472-7373 ext. 6216
Fax: 905-472-7381
Under Ontario’s Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004, you have the right of access to your own personal health information.
You can access your records of personal health information by completing the following form:
Online portal for requesting medical images
We now offer patients and their families access to their medical imaging records online.
Once you register for access, you can view your entire medical imaging history, share imaging instantly with any physician or even burn your own CD/USB from home. There is a fee at the time of enrollment which includes permanent access to all previous imaging and radiologist reports as well as any new exams you undergo over the following two weeks. You can update your accounts with new Oak Valley Health records via PocketHealth.
You can access the online form to enroll or visit PocketHealth’s FAQs to learn more about online access.
Requests for Proof of Birth/Death/Admission
For birth, death, and admission letters, please complete the Consent to disclose personal health information form. Fees also apply to obtaining letters; see the fee schedule.
Birth certificate
Oak Valley Health does not issue birth certificates. After a birth, we will provide a Statement of Live Birth (or your midwife). This is a permanent identity record and it is needed to apply for a birth certificate from the Office of the Registrar General. To obtain a birth certificate, please contact the Office of the Registrar General at 1-800-461-2156 or through the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care website.
Death certificate
Oak Valley Health does not issue death certificates. A Medical Certificate of Death is completed by us and is sent to the funeral home with the deceased. A Statement of Death is completed at the funeral home and the death is registered with the Office of the Registrar General. To obtain a death certificate, please contact the Office of the Registrar General at 1-800-461-2156 or through the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care website.
Quick facts
The right of access applies to a record that is primarily about you.
If the record is not primarily about you, access rights extend only to that portion that is about you.
Access rights do not apply to quality of care or quality assurance records, research information, or raw data from standardized tests.
You will be given full access unless one of the following applies to part or all of the record:
- A legal privilege
- Another law prohibits disclosure
- The information was collected or created for a proceeding, inspection, or investigation that has not been concluded
- Access could result in serious harm to treatment, recovery, or result in risk of serious bodily harm to the person or another person
- Access may identify a person who was required by law to provide information in confidence or who provided information in confidence