Broader Public Sector Accountability Act attestations
Oak Valley Health is part of the Broader Public Sector (BPS – all the organizations in Ontario that receive provincial government funding but are not part of the government itself). The Broader Public Sector Accountability Act (BPSAA) establishes requirements regarding compensation, expenses, and other areas, to help improve accountability and transparency across the BPS. The Act requires its member organizations to confirm (attest) they have fulfilled their obligations to the BPS and to publicly report their expense claim information.
In accordance with Section 15 of the BPSAA, our attestation forms are posted below.
- Reporting period 2021/2022
- Reporting period 2020/2021
- Reporting period 2019/2020
- Reporting period 2018/2019
- Reporting period 2017/2018
CritiCall Attestations
Oak Valley Health is a member of Criticall Ontario, an organization that supports access to and delivery of urgent and emergency care within Ontario. We are required to confirm (attest) each year that we have fulfilled our obligations for CritiCall under the Hospital Service Accountability Agreement. The attestation forms are listed below.