The Midwifery Program is comprised of a combination of one-on-one and group visits. All appointments take place in the Alongside Midwifery Unit (AMU) at Markham Stouffville Hospital.
Prenatal care
You’ll be attending your pregnancy care visits along with a group of other pregnant patients who have similar due dates. Each session is led by a midwife and supports learning and discussion of relevant prenatal care and pregnancy experiences. Sessions also include private time for a one-on-one belly check during each group session and scheduled select one-on-one visits throughout your pregnancy.
Labour and birth
When it is time for baby to arrive, you will deliver with our midwives present in the AMU at Markham Stouffville Hospital. You can call to reach a midwife for advice at any point in your labour, or you can come to the AMU for assessment.
When you are in active labour, your midwifery team will support your birth plan and are capable of providing full-scope practice and partnering with other medical professionals (obstetricians, nurses, etc.) as necessary to support your labour.
When baby has arrived, your midwife team will ensure they have provided breast or chest feeding support and an exam for baby prior to discharging you home.
Postpartum care
A midwife from our team will provide home-visit service to you and baby.
From weeks two to six, care resumes in a group setting every second week until six weeks postpartum. Your midwife team will ensure that both you and baby are well and will discharge you from midwifery care to begin seeing your primary care physician after six weeks.