Mental health
Clear, reliable health information about mental illness and addiction through the Center for Addiction and Mental (CAMH). Allows user to view information on medications and various mental health conditions.
Heart health
Canadian Cardiovascular Society
Links to patient education resources are provided to the community to help inform patients and their caregivers about their cardiovascular health.
Thrombosis Canada
Provides information for patients and family about conditions related to clots – including patient information sheets, drug information sheets, various videos for patients and more.
Children and paediatrics
AboutKidsHealth is a health education website for children, youth and their caregivers. Use the search function to view information about medications (in various languages) and conditions.
Labour and delivery/childbirth
Prenatal classes and support
Welcome to our classes and support resources for pregnancy and beyond! We offer classes, videos, and in-person services for families during pregnancy and in preparation for birth.
Chronic conditions
Diabetes Canada
Diabetes Canada’s Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Prevention and Management of Diabetes in Canada represent the best and most current evidence-based clinical practice data for health care professionals and resources for patients.
Adult Diabetes Education Centre
Oak Valley Health offers adult diabetes services at three different clinic locations across the York region. Adults who are 18 years old and older who are at risk of developing diabetes, who have prediabetes, type 1 or 2 diabetes, or gestational diabetes are welcome to access our services.
Asthma Education Centre
Asthma is one of the most prevalent chronic conditions in Canada, affecting approximately three million Canadians. Over 50 per cent of asthma sufferers, however, do not have their disease well controlled. The goal of our Asthma Education Centre is to help you gain and maintain control of your asthma with the least amount of medication.
Baycrest Quick Response Caregiver Tool™
Baycrest is a global leader in geriatric residential living, healthcare, research, innovation and education, with a special focus on brain health and aging. The Baycrest Quick-Response Caregiver Tool™ was created to help caregivers manage challenging behaviours in persons with dementia.